+91 8156 986289, 0483 2703344 praisewilledavanna@gmail.com



  1. Admission to school is granted after a test and is strictly on merit.
  2. Promotion to a higher class is based on student's performance in periodic Tests and Terminal Examinations throughout the year. Internal Assessment will also be taken into consideration.
  3. Students are admitted to the school at the beginning of every academic year. New admissions are on the basis of their performance in the entrance test. Admission will be strictly on the basis of marks attained in the entrance test.
  4. Admissions to L.K.G classes are given in December. Application forms are issued from the office by November of the previous year.
  5. The minimum age of admission is 3half years to LKG class and 5half to Standard 1 on the 1st of June of the year of admission


The application form, duly filled in and signed by the Parent/Guardian, must be submitted along with a passport size photograph affixed in the space provided. The following documents should be compulsorily brought when coming for the admission.

  • Birth Certificate (Photo Copy)
  • Transfer Certificate (Original)
  • Mark List (Original)
  • Conduct Certificate from the Head of the school last attended.
  • passport size Photographs. (3 Nos.)

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